The Whole World or Nothing
The Whole World or Nothing

The Whole World or Nothing

May 21, 2021 11:43 PM
Created by

James & Sarah

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On an idle Saturday night out in 2014, James and Sarah realized their 9-5 jobs was draining and wanted to do something about it. Instead of buying a one-way ticket with little to no plans, James and Sarah meticulously researched, planned, and saved enough money for a one-year, around the world trip. Since then, they have not looked back and built their website to earn a living and travel full-time.

Since the pandemic, James and Sarah transitioned to van life and traveling the country on their home with wheels.

Check out their YouTube channel that is full of DIY content on building your own travel van:

Or their destinations page for your next travel plan:

And finally their blog posts dedicated to all things van life: