The Blonde Abroad
The Blonde Abroad

The Blonde Abroad

May 24, 2021 3:02 AM
Created by

Kiersten Rich (Kiki)

All Over the WorldFemale SoloFulltime BloggerUnique DestinationsNomadLong-term TravelPhotography
Blogs about
By DestinationTravel TipsGearsBloggingHow ToTravel StoriesPhotographyMake Money
# of countries


Travelling Since


Blogging Since


Currently In

South Africa

Other services
PresetsTourSocial Media ConsultingDigital Content

Kiersten Rich is an award-winning travel blogger with more than 1 million in reach across multiple platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube. She has also had extreme success in building out her multi-million dollar travel empire, monetizing her travel social media influence to build businesses in offering female-only tours, branded creative digital agency and an online travel shop.

She's also been to 71 countries abroad, ranging from budget adventures to luxury. Also, she provides a lot of tips about how to travel solo for females. Her blog is one of the most comprehensive resources from travel stories, photography and blogging how-tos and how to make money abroad.